Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Amish Sweethearts by Leslie Gould

I’ve been thinking why I have been choosing to read romance novels lately, specifically Christian romance.  One reason is because I like them. They give one hope that relationships do work out and there is a happy ending.  Just like in the bible the hero may go thru many trials and suffer many misunderstandings but you just know it is going to be ok.  He is going to end up with that intimate relationship blessed by the Lord.

Two I enjoy these books because they are not graphic and I can apply many of the overcoming of trials to my own life and my walk with the Supreme Lover of my soul, Father God.

Something that I found of particular interest in Amish Sweethearts was how the main characters had to choose the path of faith they would walk. To find that place that pleases God and not man even though the going is tough.  How many of us conform to what we think others expect of us and do not seek God’s heart for us?

This book was not only an enjoyable read, but a good reminder that sometimes we need to walk away from our electronics for a while and spend time with those that matter. Don’t assume we know everything about those we love, but really find out about them.  I recommend this book and hope you will enjoy it.

This book provided to me by Bethany House to review, I receive no compensation.­

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